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Travel Story: The Mur Cycle Path

My Cycle Tour Through the Green Styria
Cyclist with two bikes and dam in the background

After working for Eurofun Touristik for about a year, it was finally time for my first "team-member on tour" experience. After much deliberation, I chose the cycle tour on the Mur Cycle Path, which I will explore with a good friend from my school days. This tour is perfect for discovering a new region of my adopted home, Austria, that was previously unknown to me. I am very excited about my cycling tour in Styria.

Cyclist with two bikes and dam in the background

We set off from Salzburg on a beautiful afternoon to St. Michael im Lungau, where our journey begins. We receive a warm welcome at the Hotel Wastlwirt before enjoying dinner at a nearby Italian restaurant and then take a leisurely stroll through the village to finish off the evening. Our excitement is high, but so is our nervousness, as it is the first cycling tour for both of us, and we are riding our rental bikes PLUS - without electric motors.

Mountains, the Mur River, and Valley Fog

After a hearty breakfast, we set off on our bikes toward Murau, our first destination. The green landscape around the Mur is flanked by mountains on both sides, shrouding us in dense fog for the first few kilometers. However, as we continue, the sky clears, revealing the full beauty of the landscape. The Murtalbahn railroad line runs to the left of the cycle path, with the River Mur babbling alongside it—a dreamlike backdrop that raises our hopes for the rest of the tour.

Just before the end of the stage, we have to tackle a steep climb before finally catching sight of our destination, Murau. After covering around 55 kilometers, we’ve completed our first stage!

Since we traveled quite quickly, we have plenty of time to explore the tranquil village after a brief break at the hotel. The Mur River flows right through town, and the narrow streets are ideal for wandering. From Murau Castle, we enjoy a fantastic view of the entire town. Murau proves to be our first highlight of the tour.

Cyclist on the Mur cycle path near Ramingstein

Up and Down Along the Picturesque Mur

Today's stage takes us from Murau to Judenburg. Like the previous day, the route follows the Mur River with its gentle ups and downs, providing plenty of variety. At times, we ride right alongside the river, while at other points, we cycle a few meters above it, offering stunning views of the water and the surrounding mountains. The route passes through charming farming villages, each adding its own beauty to the journey.

Rental bike PLUS with Lasenberg in the background

Exhausted yet Satisfied After 75 Cycling Kilometers

At about 75 kilometers, the stage to Bruck an der Mur is the longest and commands our greatest respect, even the night before. Neither of us has ever cycled such a long distance before. We ride on lightly traveled roads toward Bruck, accompanied by the Murtalbahn railway line. We notice that the mountains become less prominent, and the route avoids major climbs. In Göss, we stop at the brewery where the famous Gösser beer is made.

After enjoying a hearty meal and a beer at the on-site restaurant, we set off to tackle the final 20 kilometers of the stage. However, after the previous two stages and already having cycled 55 kilometers that day, the last stretch is quite challenging. Eventually, we arrive in Bruck, exhausted but happy. After a rest at the hotel, we round off the evening with a satisfying meal at a great Italian restaurant.

Rabenstein Castle and Highlights in Graz

Today’s stage is approached at a more relaxed pace. In initially cloudy weather, we pass by green meadows and fields, with mountains flanking us on both sides. We make a brief stop in the charming town of Frohnleiten before continuing toward Graz. Before reaching Graz, we have another highlight to look forward to: Rabenstein Castle. Enthroned on a rock overlooking the Mur and surrounded by lush forest, the impressive castle offers a stunning sight from the cycle path. After admiring the castle, we jump back on our bikes and ride along the Mur River directly into the city center of Graz.

Since we can’t check into our hotel just yet, we immediately start exploring the city. We wander through the picturesque streets of the historic city center to the Schlossberg, which sits in the heart of Graz. Not wanting to miss the view from the top, we embark on the climb. Once we reach the summit, we’re overwhelmed by the panoramic view. We can see the entire city and the surrounding mountains, and the iconic Graz Clock Tower is also located here.

Castle Rabenstein

Exploration Tour of Graz

In Graz, we’ve booked an extra night, and we’re very glad we did. After four days of cycling, some relaxation is much appreciated. We spend the day strolling through the city and simply taking it easy. Feeling relaxed but tired, we return to the hotel relatively early.

My Tip

On the top floor of the "Kastner & Öhler" department store in Graz, there’s a fantastic rooftop bar where you can enjoy a coffee or drink with a view of the Graz Clock Tower.

The Italian restaurant "Pronto" on the main square in Graz is also definitely worth a visit!

Culinary Highlight in Mureck

After our rest day, we’re well refreshed and ready to tackle the penultimate stage. Unfortunately, the weather isn’t in our favor today, and it rains at the start. However, as the day progresses, it improves, and the sun even makes a welcome appearance. In the meantime, we notice a significant change in the landscape; the cycle paths are now almost entirely flat, with fields of corn and pumpkins lining our route southward.

When we arrive in Mureck, Mansuet Troicher, the owner of the Steirerland B&B, greets us with a glass of wine. After visiting the ship mill, a local landmark, and enjoying a coffee, we head back to our hotel.

In the evening, we’re treated to the tour’s culinary highlight: Mansuet creates a five-course menu in a relaxed atmosphere. Each course is a standout, and we end the night enjoying great conversation and excellent food. Since we’re heading back immediately after the stage to Bad Radkersburg the next day, this is also our final evening of the tour, making it the perfect conclusion.

Ship mill in Mureck

The Final Stage to the Spa Town of Bad Radkersburg

Today's stage to Bad Radkersburg is just 25 kilometers long, but rain accompanies us throughout the journey. Despite the wet weather, we make a brief stop at the Mur Tower, where we take in a fantastic view of the Mur and the surrounding forests.

Sign "Parktherme" in Bad Radkersburg
Rental bike PLUS with Lasenberg in the background

My Conclusion

An exhausting and eventful week lies behind us. The Mur Cycle Path delivers pure nature interspersed with charming villages and the unmissable city of Graz. The route features many small highlights that make this cycling tour a memorable experience. For us, it was the perfect blend of relaxation and activity, with standout moments in Graz and Murau.

My Favorite Spot

On the final stage between Mureck and Bad Radkersburg, I discover my favorite spot of the cycling tour: the Mur Tower, which spirals up in a double helix, surprises me with its modern architecture. It’s situated amidst the idyllic Murauen, nestled in a picturesque slice of paradise. The ascent becomes a scenic adventure, and from the top, you enjoy a splendid view of the Mur and the surrounding forest. Here, you completely forget the hustle and bustle of everyday life, which, for me, defines the essence of a relaxing cycling vacation.

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