Short info on the Weser Cycle Path
Twice in a row, the Weser Cycle Path, which runs for 520 km from Hann. Münden to Cuxhaven, was voted Germany's most popular long-distance cycle route by the ADFC in 2019 and 2020. At the same time, this exceptional route is suitable for all types of cycling enthusiasts, as it has only very slight gradients. From the narrow valley over the wide landscape of the Middle Weser to the sea - the Weser Cycle Path is versatile in every respect, also because you can cycle along both sides of the river for long stretches. At the latest when you look out to sea at the end of this tour, you realise how unique a cycle tour along the Weser Cycle Path is.

The most beautiful stages and cycle tours on the Weser Cycle Path
Weser Cycle Path “Classic”
Our 8-day tour on the Weser Cycle Path "Classic" starts in Hann. Münden and continues north via Beverungen, Bodenwerder, Hameln and Minden. Via Nienburg and Verden we finally reach the Hanseatic city of Bremen. The daily stages are each approx. 40 to 65 km long. Thanks to the option of booking an extra day, you can explore Bremen, the city with the second-largest North Sea port, before heading home.
Weser Cycle Path “Leisure Cyclists”
If the classic is not enough for you, you can explore the area around the Weser quite relaxed on our 11-day cycle tour for leisure cyclists. Initially, the route is the same, but from Bremen it goes further to Elsfleth, Bremerhaven and Cuxhaven. The porcelain factory in Fürstenberg, Corvey Castle near Höxter or the old town of Nienburg - the “leisure cyclist” tour along the Weser is full of highlights.
Weser Cycle Path “Discoverer”
Are you adventurous? Then we have just the right thing for you with the cycle tour along the Weser Cycle Path for "Discoverers". The route of this wonderful tour is the same as the classic tour, except that it ends in Minden after only 5 days. So if you are thinking of a short holiday by bike in Germany, you should consider this cycle tour with its numerous natural and cultural highlights.
Hanseatic Round Trip
Along the Weser, this Hanseatic Round Tour starts and ends in the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen. The highlight of this cycle tour is above all the impressive coastal landscape in the harbour town of Cuxhaven. There you will be offered a unique view of the coast and the North Sea. Fresh sea air and perfectly developed cycle paths round off this unique cycle tour in northern Germany.
Course of the Weser Cycle Path
The Weser Cycle Path starts in Hann. Münden and runs along the Weser to Bremerhaven and on to Cuxhaven. It passes through three German states: North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony and Bremen. The special reward of this cycle tour is the North Sea coast at its end. But as we all know, the journey is the destination, and this is a challenging one. Along the German Fairytale Route, past half-timbered houses, lakes and windmills - there is an incredible amount to discover. One particular highlight is sure to delight both children and adults: Bremen and its world-famous Town Musicians. Other towns along the route include Höxter, Rinteln, Porta Westfalica and Minden.

Questions & Answers about the Weser Cycle Path
The most beautiful towns on the Weser Cycle Path
Who doesn't know the Bremen Town Musicians? The bronze statue is the most popular photo opportunity for tourists. But Bremen is not only world-famous for this fairy tale, but also for its versatility. Culture meets modernity here. While you can see the listed Town Hall and the statue of Roland, both of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites, on the historic market square, the hip "Überseestadt" district which is bustling and dynamic. The historic riverside promenade on the Weser also combines traditional and modern values. Discover the Hanseatic city with all its facets on our cycle tours along the Weser.

Der nördlichste Punkt Niedersachsens befindet sich in der Stadt Cuxhaven. Und da sie an der Nordsee liegt, dreht sich in dieser Hafenstadt alls um das Thema Wasser und das Wattenmeer. Dies spiegelt sich auch in den Sehenwürdigkeiten wieder. Der Hafen mit ihren Anlegerschiffen, der Strand mit ihren Körben und die Stadt mit ihren spannenden Museen locken Touristen aus der ganzen Welt. Wenn Sie eine Fan des Elementes Wasser sind, dann können wir Ihnen Cuxhaven wärmstens empfehlen.

Wenn Sie von Bremen entlang der Weser in Richtung Norden radeln, gelanden Sie nach Bremerhaven. Wie der Name schon verrät, ist sie eine Hafenstadt. Sie stellt nicht nur den größten deutschen Fischereihafen, sondern auch noch nach Hamburg den zweitgrößten Hafen an der Nordsee dar. Obwohl diese besondere Stadt bei vielen Reisebegeisterten nicht an erster Stelle steht, bietet sie trotz allem jede Menge Highlights und Sehenwürdigkeiten. Darum zählt Bremerhaven mit ihrem Schifffahrtsmuseeum, ihrer Hafenmeile, ihrem Überseehafen und Einkaufszentrum als Geheimtipp. Auch unsere Radreisen entlang der Weser führen an Bremerhaven vorbei und geben Ihnen die Möglichkeit die Schönheit dieser Stadt zu erkunden.

Useful information about your cycling holiday on the Weser
The climate
As the Weser Cycle Path is located in northern Germany, you can expect mild summers and cool winters. Even though our cycle tours lead along the North Sea, they are still not classified as typical seaside holidays. In summer, the maximum temperatures climb to just 21 degrees. In autumn, the precipitation rate increases and, due to the geographical location, there can also be strong gusts of wind. In winter, temperatures drop into the single digits. That's why we recommend booking your cycle tour on the Weser Cycle Path in spring or summer. Thanks to the mild temperatures, you can enjoy your holiday completely relaxed and without major heat waves.

Northern German cuisine
Pollock, cod, codfish, mackerel or would you prefer herring? For fish lovers, northern Germany is heaven on earth, because the range of fish varieties and dishes is huge. Due to its location on the North Sea, Northern German cuisine is strongly influenced by seafaring. That's why you'll probably find at least one typical fish dish on every menu, such as Finkenwerder Scholle or Hamburger Pannfisch. But the absolute speciality is probably the notorious but also controversial dish Lapskaus. The sailor's creation consists of mashed potatoes with beetroot, corned beef or simply tinned meat, gherkins, Matjes fillets and a fried egg. Try this favourite dish yourself and then decide whether you are one of the critics or lovers.

"If you have any further questions about the Neckar Cycle Path, please feel free to contact me at any time!"