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City tours by bike

Explore Europe’s trendiest big and small metropolises by bike
Cyclist at St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna

A cycling holiday is not the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of taking a city tour. But the two actually go together wonderfully. Many famous metropolises in Europe are now very bike friendly and offer great cycling infrastructure, so you can see the sights by bike.

We show you our most beautiful cycle tours with a city experience, which are a true paradise, especially for culture lovers. Between the individual stage towns, which take you from cultural mecca to cultural mecca, from trendy capital city to trendy capital city or from one idyllic residential town to the next, you cycle through magnificent landscapes that contrast wonderfully with the lively city flair. Perhaps your favourite city is among them?

Cyclist at St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna

Austria's most popular cities & cycle routes

From Innsbruck via Salzburg to Vienna

You can discover three of Austria's best-known and most popular long-distance cycle routes as well as three of the country's most famous cities on this 13-day cycle tour from Innsbruck to Vienna.

You start your cycle tour in the capital of the Alps - Innsbruck - with its impressive mountains and magnificent Golden Roof. From there you cycle along the Inn Cycle Path to the Zillertal. From the impressive Krimml Waterfalls, the Tauern Cycle Path takes you to the unique Mozart city of Salzburg. Here you should pay a visit to the historic old town with its grand churches, cathedral, Fortress, Mozart's birth house and the many small alleys with their pretty shops. Salzburg's old town has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1997.

Along the Salzach and Inn rivers, you continue via the picturesque three-river city of Passau onto the Danube Cycle Path. You take a leisurely cycle through one of the most beautiful river valleys in Europe, past the lively student city of Linz, through the vineyards in the Wachau onto imperial Vienna.

You should plan to spend a few more days in the capital of Austria, because there is so much to discover here: Schönbrunn Palace, the Hofburg, Belvedere Palace, the Vienna Prater, St. Stephen's Cathedral, to name just the most important sights. Numerous large and small shops, coffee houses and trendy restaurants invite you to browse, stroll and eat.

Cyclist at St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna

Italy's world-class cultural metropolises

From Venice to Florence

This cycle tour combines two of Italy's dream destinations: the lagoon city of Venice and the cultural mecca of Florence. Before you start your cycle tour, take a few days to soak up the fascinating flair of Venice: the romantic Rialto Bridge, the lively street cafés on St. Mark's Square, the Doge's Palace and the gondoliers who invite you to take a ride through the canals.

During your cycle tour, things are much quieter than in the big cities at the start and finish. You cycle through the idyllic countryside, partly also along the Adriatic Sea and through kiwi, peach and sunflower fields. Finally, you will reach the cultural metropolis of Florence, which will captivate you with its art treasures and wealth of sights. Welcome to the heart of Tuscany!

Church in Venice

From Florence to Rome

Art and culture lovers will love this cycle tour from the capital of Tuscany to the Eternal City of Rome! Florence is world-famous for its numerous Renaissance masterpieces of art and architecture, e.g., by Michelangelo, Botticelli and da Vinci. But the small towns on your way to Rome by bike are also blessed with art treasures: Arezzo, Assisi, Perugia or Narni.

The undisputed highlight of your tour is, of course, Rome. Because anyone who has made it to the Colosseum by bike will never forget this moment. Immerse yourself in the jungle of narrow streets, cafés, churches, pine-lined parks and avenues - indescribable!

Verena in front of the Colosseum

City hopping along the Elbe

From Prague to Dresden

On this cross-border cycle tour from the Czech capital to the Florence on the Elbe, Dresden, the focus is on enjoying history and the countryside. Before you start your cycle tour, you should take a stroll across the famous Charles Bridge to Prague Castle and through the historic Old Town with its colourful baroque buildings. You then cycle along the Moldau river to its mouth into the Elbe. From now on you are on one of the most popular river cycle paths in Germany - the Elbe Cycle Path. It takes you through the picturesque Saxon Switzerland with its unusual rocks made of Elbe sandstone. With a view of the Königstein Fortress (Europe's largest fortification) and the sophisticated Pillnitz Palace, you reach your destination of Dresden. Just like Prague, the Saxon metropolis exudes a vitality and artistic flair. An absolute must: a visit to the Zwinger, the Semper Opera House and the Frauenkirche. Take a boat trip on the Elbe with the "White Fleet" and marvel at the impressive city panorama from the river.

View of the old town of Prague

From Magdeburg to Hamburg

From Magdeburg, always with a view towards the North Sea, you cycle along the northern Elbe cycle path to the cosmopolitan city of Hamburg. The pretty city of Magdeburg with its Gothic cathedral, the Hundertwasserhaus and the Alter Markt lies directly on the Elbe. From here you start your way through extensive floodplain forests, lush green meadows, half-timbered towns like Tangermünde and Lauenburg to the centre of the metropolis of Hamburg. Now the Elbe opens to the sea and changes its face. Cruise ships and container giants make their way through the port of Hamburg, fishing boats and excursion boats cavort through the widely ramified waters, and guests from all over the world line the shore to marvel at the Speicherstadt warehouse district, the Elbphilharmonie concert hall and the harbour facilities. Why not round off your cycling trip from Magdeburg to Hamburg with a hop-on-hop-off tour of the city or an exciting harbour tour on a typical barge.

Sailing ship in the port of Hamburg

Explore Scandinavia's capitals

From Stockholm to Copenhagen

Experience two Nordic capitals in one trip - that's what you can do with our cycle tour from the Swedish capital Stockholm to the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen. On the way you will also get to know the car metropolis Gothenburg. Immerse yourself in the Scandinavian way of life! You cycle along the Kattegat Leden along the wonderful Swedish west coast. There is a lot to explore along the way: the UNESCO World Heritage Drottningholm Castle, the archipelago of Goteborg, great nature reserves, culinary highlights and, of course, the special flair of both metropolises. Our tip: It is best to plan a few days to explore Stockholm and Copenhagen before the start of your cycling tour and at the end of your tour. There is an infinite amount to discover in both trendy cities.


Cities of culture in the green heart of Germany

Thuringian Town Chain

Like pearls on a string, the historic residential towns, cultural cities and small-town gems in the Thuringian Basin are strung together: your cycle tour connects all these enchanting insider tips of the Thuringian town chain from Eisenach in the far west to Altenburg far in the east of Thuringia.

Each town has its own character, which you can really feel during your cycle tour: Eisenach with the world-famous Wartburg Castle (UNESCO World Heritage Site), where Martin Luther translated the Bible into German. The residential town of Gotha, which exudes noble flair with its Friedenstein Castle and romantic orangery.

Castle Wartburg in Eisenach

Thuringia's state capital Erfurt, with its cathedral, Krämerbrücke bridge and historic old town, invites you to linger and stroll. The idyllic cultural metropolis of Weimar, where Goethe and Schiller, Walter Gropius and Franz Liszt, Duke Carl August and Duchess Anna Amalia worked. The lively student city of Jena with its fascinating Zeiss Planetarium, the oldest of its kind in the world.

And finally the skat town of Altenburg, where the popular card game was invented in 1820. Altenburg has its own playing card museum dedicated to this famous export.

Look forward to a varied cycle tour in the green heart of Germany that will inspire you!

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