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Cycling enjoyment for the entire family

12 tips for a stress-free vacation with young children
Family at the Danube Cyclepath

Summertime means vacation time, and what could be better than discovering new and exciting places with the family? This can be perfectly complemented by a cycling holidays for families. However, before you set off, it's important to clarify a few key questions. Which routes are family-friendly? What activities can be combined with the cycling tour?

We've compiled 12 tips to assist you in planning a stress-free and perfect vacation.

Family at the Danube Cyclepath

Tip 1 - Pack in a timely and organized manner

When traveling with small children, luggage space becomes limited quickly. What are the absolute must-haves, and what can be left behind? Planning ahead can absolutely prevent packing chaos. Create a packing list tailored to the age of your children and involve them in the packing process to increase anticipation and help them know where to find things.

Organize your luggage thematically into smaller bags. For example, pack swimwear in one separate bag, spare clothing in another small bag, and so on. This way, you'll have everything readily accessible, and packing the pannier bag for daily essentials becomes a breeze.



Tip 2 – Plan realistically and with foresight

An enjoyable cycling vacation depends on thorough planning beforehand. This involves assessing both the fitness levels of the children and your own. Is your child already comfortable riding alone in traffic, or will you need a bike trailer, FollowMe, or child seat? Find out more about suitable children's equipment here. Keep in mind that the extra weight of the child and trailer needs to be towed as well. In such cases, considering an e-bike for you as parents is advisable. Also, carefully consider the route length and terrain profile. Does it suit the child's age, and can they handle the challenge? Once you've taken all these factors into account in your planning, nothing will hinder a fantastic cycling vacation.

Cyclist rides on Lake Reschen in cloudy weather

Tip 4 – Don't forget to use sun protection

Sun protection is essential during a cycling tour. Remember to pack high SPF sun cream, especially for your children. Also, bring along a good pair of sunglasses and protective clothing. Don't underestimate the UV rays, even on cloudy days. Therefore, always apply sun protection, regardless of the weather. And remember to reapply regularly!

Heinefels Castle on the Drau cycle path

Tip 5 – Roughly plan the next stage the day before

Cycling the entire day with children can be challenging, and it's not always the ideal vacation activity. After all, a cycling holiday should be about relaxation and avoiding additional stress. However, it's still valuable to map out a rough plan of the key attractions. Where is the nearest swimming spot along the route? What refreshment stops are available? Is there a nearby petting zoo for a brief detour and a short break? By scouting out these details in advance, cycling will be much more enjoyable and relaxed on your cycling holidays for families in Germany.


Cyclist at Lake Reschen with church tower in the background

Tip 7 – Sufficient drinks and provisions

To keep the young cyclists in high spirits, it's important to have snacks readily available. Always carry a small snack with you. Easily transportable options like bananas or apples, muesli bars, breadsticks, or jelly babies are ideal. These snacks are perfect for bridging the gap until the next rest stop.


Family takes an ice cream break on the Danube cycle path

Tip 8 – Create routines

Routines provide children with stability and guidance. During a bike ride, children often develop their own routines and integrate them into their everyday travel habits. For instance, involving your children in packing for the next stage can boost their self-confidence.

Cycle path to Höllerersee

Tip 9 – Look out for child-friendly accommodation

When selecting accommodation, prioritize places with child-friendly amenities like playgrounds, swimming pools, or spacious family rooms to accommodate all cyclists comfortably. Opting for a family-friendly hotel ensures understanding from fellow travelers if your child is tired and cranky after a day of cycling.

Delicious breakfast at the Erlebnishotel Post in Spittal

Tip 10 – Cycling without time pressure

No matter how meticulously planned a family cycling vacation is, it can easily turn sour with too much time pressure. Take a spontaneous afternoon to relax in a swimming pool and recuperate from the exertions of the tour. Any missed kilometers can often be easily made up for with public transportation.

Family by the lake, father gives child high five

Tip 11 – Be prepared for the unexpected

Certainly, all parents have experienced that traveling with children unfolds differently from what was planned around the living room table at home. Is your child lacking motivation to continue? Try using their favorite treats as a little bribe. And most importantly: stay calm and go with the flow. You might not have visited all the sights along the route on your cycling tour for families in Italy, but a happy child is certainly more valuable.

Blonde child feeds two sheep

Tip 12 – See the world through children's eyes

Take advantage of the journey together as an opportunity to rediscover your inner child and see the world through the eyes of children. You'll be amazed at how much beauty we overlook in our busy daily lives.

Young cyclists on the Adige cycle path
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