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Quality standards

We're only happy when you're happy
Selina in Bolzano

From the planning, through to regular checks by our employees to consideration of your feedback. It is important to us that our tours are constantly being improved so that we can guarantee the high standard of our cycle tours. What we attach great importance to, is what you’ll find below.

Selina in Bolzano

Tour creation

From the offset of our cycle tours, great emphasis is placed on professional selection of the routes. The most beautiful places with a pleasant atmosphere are explored, the most charming, especially for active holidaymakers are matched with accommodation and a route using the best cycle paths. All this is just the tip of the iceberg! Do you want to know what is needed so that we can finally include a finished tour in our programme? Then read our blog post in which we explain how a new cycle tour is created.

Regular revision

Of course, the work is far from over with the creation of a cycle tour. To maintain quality, regular checks are required. Our product manager Andreas is responsible for this. He travels across Europe for more than 100 days a year – constantly looking for improvements. Also, our local employees often notice one thing or another that could be improved – after all, they are at the source.

  • Do you want to know what the daily routine of our station managers looks like? Then read more about our bike station in Bolzano.
Travel planning

The testing

Our cycle tours are also put through their paces on our ‘employee on tour’ trips. Here the tours are considered from another perspective – namely from the guest point of view. Another advantage: the detailed travel reports with great photos, in which our Eurobikers tell how they experienced the cycle tour. Here you will find the latest travel reports from our employees:

Eurobike Bus

Your feedback

Of course, your opinion on our tours is also very important to us. Therefore, we appreciate when you take your time to share your best moments of the tour with us. But honest criticism is also appreciated. Because such feedback motivates us and helps us to constantly improve the service and quality of our trips.

happy cyclist

Would you like to tell us about your tour? You can send us your feedback here.

You now receive special conditions when you book a trip.