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Better biking: How to boost your performance

Top Tips for more Power in the saddle
Cycling group along the cycle path with mountain panorama

You are ambitious, you want to steadily improve, but you don’t know just how to get faster on the bike? The Eurobike team has put together the best tips and tricks for reaching the next level of performance. Follow this guide, learn from the useful tips and, if necessary, seek advice from a professional. You’ll soon feel like you’re wearing the famous yellow jersey!

Cycling group along the cycle path with mountain panorama

Tip 1: To increase your performance, you need to know your current level. Got no idea? Then test yourself! It’s best to do a performance test with a sports physician, sports scientist or at a trusted gym. This means you’ll know your current fitness level and you won’t end up disappointed during your next longer distance cycle tour.

Tip 2: Do you know your potential performance level? Great! Then commit to an annual goal. Pin your dream bike rides to the wall and research where your more capable self would like to cycle over the next few months.

Attention: Remain realistic and set achievable goals!

Tip 3: The magic word that will allow you to sit more comfortably in the saddle is ‘endurance training’. Building up good cycling stamina is the basis for good performance.

The great thing: Endurance training is not rocket science, especially on the bike. Just cycle over a longer distance, at a constant intensity.

Tip 4: The muscles also have to be pushed! Endurance is all very well, but you also need enough ‘juice’ in the legs. Once or twice a week, you should do weight training to properly train your leg muscles. Don’t have time for that? Have you heard of HIIT? ‘High Intensity Interval Training’ focuses on short but high-intensity training sessions.

Most importantly: 20 minutes a day is enough. There are no excuses!

Cyclists ride around the bend in Stabbia with verve

Tip 5: “In rest lies power.” This saying can be taken at face value. Muscles grow during the regeneration phase. Therefore, treat your body to adequate recovery periods. For example, make time for a stretching session or fascia training on non-sport days. After your break, you’ll take on your next training session refreshed and ready to go!

Cycling group on the cycle path around Lake Riegsee

Tip 6: Technology is key. Amateur cyclists ‘waste’ their strength and cannot cycle effectively. But what are they doing wrong? The applied force when stepping on the pedals should convert into metres. This happens when the correct seating and foot position are applied to the pedals. It’s best to get some helpful tips on form from a professional cyclist.

Cyclists on the cycle path around Lake Hallstatt

Tip 7: The right nutrition is the be all and end all! In order for you to accelerate your cycling, you need to provide your body with the right fuel. A fibre-rich diet, sufficient carbohydrates and electrolytes will provide you with energy and strength.

And the most important thing: Drink enough!

Two ladies sit at the fountain and drink water

The Eurobike cycling expert Andreas has more tips and tricks for you. Read here how to master climbs like a pro!

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