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Claudia celebrates her 20th anniversary at Eurobike!

A Eurobike employee right from the start
Claudia receives a gift from the Eurofun managing directors

This year we had something truly great to celebrate. Our colleague Claudia Wallner has been a member of the Eurobike team for over 20 years! She actually didn’t want to make anything big out of it, but if someone has dedicated their career for so many years it is definitely worth having a celebration because it is a true commitment to have made.

Claudia receives a gift from the Eurofun managing directors

Over the years a lot has changed

In 1997 she did some au pair work in Florence and it was at this point that she fell in love with Italy. Upon returning to Austria, she started working at Eurobike in the customer service department. In her first year there she was working on developing one of our classic tours, Florence to Rome, with one of the company's founders, Walter Schmid. This tour first appeared in our catalogue in 1998.

As well as her hard work in the office looking after our guests’ bookings, she also had the opportunity to be a tour guide for some of the guided cycle tours from time to time. On one of these tours she got to know her husband Norbert whilst they were both working as tour guides. Soon after that the first Eurobike baby was born and he was called Moritz. After a short baby break their second son Vincent was born, who of course also required her care. Despite having a family Claudia then returned to Eurobike and was responsible for the tours in Tuscany for a long time as well as ‘her’ tour Florence - Rome.

In 2012 Eurobike had a new tour to offer. This was the Piedmont tour based in one hotel - the Hotel Villa Mathilda. Later on Claudia found her strength in sales and in dealing with our english partners and she is still working in these fields today. You would most probably recognise our colleague because she has often modelled in our photo shoots. Claudia truly helps out wherever is needed.    

In her private life, Claudia loves doing sport. She is always happy to have a go at anything whether a half marathon, swimming as part of the company team for a relay triathlon or giving cycling on a tandem a go on the company trip. Her family also gets involved with sport even on their holidays. For example one holiday they cycled along the Mur cycle path and last year they went on a surfing holiday in Portugal.

Claudia takes a break in the shade of the tree

Claudia, we sincerely thank you for your long-term work at Eurobike and hope that you will be able to continue doing so for another 20 years. You always provide motivation and are always happy to take time to listen to anyone if they have a problem. We love your humour and your smile and the office wouldn’t be the same without you. Thanks for being there for us!

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